Everyone struggles with anxiety from time to time, especially with what’s going on in our world right now. Finding peace of mind can be difficult for some, like me, but you get what you put in. The mind is a powerful piece of us; our restless and racing thoughts stir it up. Our fears and desires can keep us from reaching peace of mind. Our calmness strictly depends on our ability to calm our thoughts. To calm our thoughts, we must address the root of the problem. You have the impact to stop the rough waters and enter calmer waters. We need to learn how to control these different emotions and thoughts so we can become unaffected by them. Here are five ways you can reach peace of mind for free.
1. Meditation
I’m sure you have heard this one countless times, but it’s time to listen to it. You can create a foundation to establish a long term peace of mind through meditation. If someone were to wonder what the most powerful way to reach peace of mind was, I would tell them meditation. It’s by far one of the most effective ways to reach that state of mind. Focus on your breathing; your mind’s attention will be drawn to the process of inhaling and exhaling. Deep breathes will focus on your lungs; this is a quick and efficient way to bring peace of mind or calm you down instantly.
2. Avoid Social Media Outlets
Coming from my personal experience, I know how stressful social media can be. You’re exposed to a fake world, and it can become draining to most. Seeing what everyone’s up to and making their lives look better than they appear can cause vast amounts of turbulence within the mind. From my own experience, I’ve noticed that even just shutting your phone off for the day causes fewer distractions and brings more ease. Wondering what you should do with your day? Easy, set aside some time to do homework, watch your favorite movies, read a book, or do some chores. It overall allows you to become more productive with your day. These social media sites include Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.
3. Let go of the past
It’s easier said than done, and I continue to struggle with letting go of the past. The past lingers with everyone from time to time. It leaves you thinking about every mistake you’ve made in the past that will cause great turmoil within yourself. For this reason, specifically, it’s important to not dwell in the past but live in the present. Instead of consistently worrying about the past or freaking out over what the future holds, really appreciate where you are now. It’s all we have – this moment right now. “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” -Buddha.
4. Learn how to live carefreely
Another cause of mental restlessness can connect with the fear of others’ judgments. It might haunt us so much that we do things to please another person to gain their consent. You need to realize that not everyone’s going to like you; it’s frankly impossible to please everyone. You can’t change the way others think about you. So why let it bother you so much? Again, it’s easier said than done, but the capability to not be distressed by others’ opinions will heavily impact the route to finding peace of mind.
5. Get some exercise
This has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Getting physical activity inside your routine will help boost endorphins. Anyone can get active, whether it be going for a run, lifting weights, or even just going for a simple walk. Whatever you chose to do, don’t think of exercise as a chore; find an activity you find enjoyable. Exercise can boost self-confidence, improve your mood, help you calm down, and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercise may also improve sleep patterns, which is disturbed by stress, depression, and anxiety. Each of these exercise benefits can improve your stress levels and give you control over your body, life, and mind.
Using these five ways will bring you to a state of peace of mind. Of course, some take practice, like meditation, but it doesn’t take long to learn. The more you do these, the easier it becomes. You’ll become a pro at being mindful during your everyday activities. Peace of mind can be settled by managing the skill of not being affected by your worries or thoughts. This skill can be developed through meditation and various other activities to increase your ability to remain focused. It is important to consider letting go of the past, forgive others, and create detachment to assemble the foundation for inner love and balance.